Sir Siridean Seeks the Sword Eclipse
Sir Siridean seeks the sword Eclipse
But three things must he find;
A lady’s favor, a knight’s bold strength,
And a heart’s true oath in kind.
He traveled far from Calontir
Noble friends with him arose.
His bright helm pieced from fallen foes’ Shone gold at Mooneschadowe.
But no man’s hand can claim Eclipse
That holds no lady’s token.
A silver ring Rhiannon gave
Although they’d never spoken.
Six bouts he fought with six stout foes;
They fell before his lance.
Then came two Ansteorran knights
To fight him both at once.
He quickly knocked Sir Aesoph down
Then warded Alrek’s blow.
But while his stroke laid Alrek out
Struck Aesoph from below.
When the sun was set and the moon was high
To the greenwood did they ride.
There he was judged strongest in arms
With the lady by his side.
These words he swore with hand on hilt
As sweet as any bard.
A year and a day to stand with the Shire
Fair Mooneschadowe to guard.
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