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Marching Cadences

At Gulf Wars XV, King Mahdi honored the Liondragon Guard by making them his personal guard and granting us the vanguard as we marched to the battlefields of King's Arrow. Now in Mooneschadowe we have our own marching cadences that we sing, but they are about Mooneschadowe only. Duke Patrick Michael hearing us sing the glories of our own warriors, asked the Liondragon Guard to compose a marching cadence that all of the Ansteorran army could sing. One of our number, Wookie found truth in his grace's words, and came to my tent that afternoon to ask for paper and pencil. As he began to compose rhymes, Dante approached him and said he wanted to help. As Wookie tells the tale, "We both wrote out a cadence, but when I read his, I just wadded my piece of paper up. I knew we were done."

Ansteorran Pride We Bear
(Dante's Cadence)

Listen to it. (Mp3- 3MG)

Here we go again,
into the fray again.
Marching down the warriors road,
For honor glory and stories told.

Ansteorran pride we bear,
Come and join us if you dare.
Sweeping tides of black and gold,
Our army charges brave and bold.

Though we die today,
We'll slaughter all those in our way.
Holding our banners proud,
Singing our glory loud.

Ansteorran pride we bear,
Come and join us if you dare.
Sweeping tides of black and gold,
Our army charges brave and bold.

For the honor of our king
Swords and helmets now will ring.
Mowing down our hapless foe
Life will end and blood will flow

Ansteorran pride we bear,
Come and join us if you dare.
Sweeping tides of black and gold,
Our army charges brave and bold.

by Dante du Martelli, Gulf Wars XV, March A.S. XXXX





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